Helena Gaspars-Wieloch

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The beginning of the article is devoted to a review of different location problems discussed in the literature. In the main part of this contribution the author presents and compares three discrete optimization models that may be useful for decision-makers considering the construction and activation of a chain of homogeneous facilities belonging to one proprietor. The models goal is to maximize his or her total profit and not the gain of each facility separately. The author shows the connection of the first model with the resources allocation problem. The influence of the distance between facilities on their territory served is emphasized particularly in the second and thirdapproach. The last model is partially based on Lösch’s and Voronoi’s principles.


Location problem, Discrete optimization models, Profit maximization, Homogeneous facilities, Territory served (range of coverage, influence area), Voronoi diagram (Dirichlet tessellation), Resources allocation problem, Local extrema method, Marginal profits method


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