Submission of manuscripts and editorial process
Przegląd Statystyczny. Statistical Review (PS) publishes original research on theoretical and empirical topics in statistics, econometrics, mathematical economics, operational research, decision sciences and data analysis. The manuscripts considered for publication are ones which significantly contribute to the theoretical aspects of the aforementioned fields or shed new light on the practical applications of these aspects. Manuscripts reporting on important results of research projects are particularly welcome. Review papers, shorter papers reporting on major conferences in the field and reviews of seminal monographs are eligible for submission but only upon the Editor’s request.
From May 1st, 2019 onwards the journal publishes articles in the English language. Any spelling style is acceptable as long as it is consistent within the manuscript.
All work should be submitted to the journal through the Editorial System -
The Editorial System requires that authors upload separate files containing an anonymous manuscript and other supplementary material including the data and original codes used for estimation and inference purposes. Files containing data and codes must be readable in order to allow for the replication of results.
Manuscripts should be no longer than 20 pages. This limit includes references, tables, figures, captions and appendices.
Manuscripts should consist of title, abstract, main text and conclusions. This text should be followed by references.
The title should be concise and informative and followed by an abstract of no more than 200 words. The abstract should state briefly the purpose of research, summarize the key points of the paper and be followed by 3–5 keywords and JEL classification codes.
The main text should be arranged into consecutively numbered sections. Numerals must be Arabic. The sections should be titled. Titles must be concise and informative. The first section should be the introduction.
The conclusions should be concise and non-technical. They should be followed by acknowledgements, funding and disclosure if applicable, but only for papers that have been accepted after being reviewed.
Tables should be numbered consecutively, e.g. Table 1, Table 2, etc., and titled. Titles must be concise and informative. No patterns, shadowing, bolding, vertical or double rules should be used. The table content should be understandable without having to refer to the text. Explanatory footnotes should be brief, placed beneath the table. The same guidelines apply to figures.
Colour figures must be suitable for black-and-white reproductions in the printed journal.
Manuscripts must be typed using Times New Roman, font size 12 pt., single line spacing with 2.5 cm margins and submitted in Word format.
The development of mathematical expressions should be presented in the appendices. Only relevant results should be included in the main text. In case of 2 or more appendices, they should be indicated as Appendix A, Appendix B, etc.
All mathematical expressions should be centred and displayed on separate lines. Authors must keep them as short as possible. Equations should be numbered consecutively throughout the manuscript as (1), (2), etc. on the right-hand margin of the page. All notation and symbols must be explained in the text.
Tables, figures, mathematical expressions and equations must be editable. Do not submit them as images.
The use of footnotes is discouraged. When they are used in the text, they should be consecutively numbered and placed at the bottom of the page.
Manuscripts accepted for publication should be supplemented with the names of their authors and other elements that were previously excluded in order to ensure the anonymity of submission. The names should follow the title, be centred and displayed on separate lines, provided with informative captions on the author’s affiliation (name of the institution, faculty, department, postal address), ORCID number and e-mail address. The name of the corresponding author should be indicated clearly.
A submission to the journal indicates consent regarding the publishing of the accepted manuscript in its paper and electronic versions, including publications in the relevant abstracting and indexing databases and the use of supplementary material by third parties on an open access basis.
Articles submitted to the PS journal starting from the year 2022 are made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public Licence (CC BY-SA 4.0)
By submitting an article for publication in PS, the Author agrees to it being made available under the aforementioned licence. Other articles included in PS (submitted for publication before 2022) may be used on an open-access basis as per the law on open data and the re-use of public sector information.
Authors have the right to independently deposit the article in any repository of their choice, either in the version submitted for publication or in the final version (accepted for printing or already published); however, if the non-final version of the article is deposited, once it is published in PS, the author is obliged to immediately provide information on the PS issue where it was published along with the link to the article.
The article should be accompanied by a scanned declaration of authenticity and of not having been submitted to other publishers, as well as a consent for making it available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License (CC BY-SA 4.0).
Submissions that fail to meet the above requirements will not be considered for publication.
Editorial requirements
The use of the PS template is encouraged.
Text editor Microsoft Word, format *.docx.
Editing details – please inspect the template.
If the work contains tables, figures or maps, they should be provided in the article’s content.
The text should contain references to tables and graphic elements (figures, maps, diagrams).
References should be alphabetically sorted and follow the introduced style. All references must meet APA styles ( If there are multiple works by the same author they should be ordered according to date. If the works are in the same year they should be ordered alphabetically by the title and then be organized on the basis of consecutive letters, beginning with the letter ‘a’ after the date. The example of references:
Alquist, R., Kilian, L., Vigfusson, R. J. (2013), Forecasting the price of oil, [in] Elliott, G., Timmermann, A. (eds.), Handbook of Economic Forecasting, 2, 427–507.
Baumeister, C., Guérin, P., Kilian, L. (2015), Do high-frequency financial data help forecast oil prices? The MIDAS touch at work, International Journal of Forecasting, 31(2), 238–252.
Chiappori, P. A., Salanié, B., Salanié, F., Gandhi, A. (2019), Supplement to ‘From aggregate betting data to individual risk preferences’, Econometrica Supplemental Material, 87,
Marginal papers and those not referenced in the text must be omitted.
Submission and Publication Fees
Paper’s submission and publication in PS is free of charge.