Andrzej Czyżewski , Aleksander Grzelak

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The possibilities of using of the input-output table for macroeconomics evaluation of economy was presented in the article. The principal message of input-output model is appearance mutual interdependence in economy, which decide about her development as the whole, and as her part. It has stated that the evaluation conducted by use of this model makes possible extension of investigative perspective regarding such questions as: position of a examined sectors in the economy, macroeconomics efficiency, and interdependences in developmental processes. One had noticed that the input-output model points out considerable values in for fuller understanding of functioning of the market and budget mechanism, the roundabout pattern of streams of incomes and the expenses in economy, and the shaping of the basic macroeconomics parameters. There is a need extension of record and the interpretation of input-output model about fourth quarter (the division of incomes), the wider regard of connections of studied subjects with bank sector and the same show the scale and the structures of creation of issue and credit money in the economy. It stays for considering also the use of this model for evaluation the range of the supply non-equilibrium in the economy by composition of potential demand and effective and qualification in this way an approximate level the non-equilibrium.


the input-output model, economy, macroeconomics


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