Jacek Kowalewski , Monika Natkowska

(Polish) PDF


Short-Term Statistics (STS) deals with collecting, compiling and providing quick and multi-domain information about economic activity.Within the organizational system of surveys in Polish official statistics, conducting STS surveys is the task of the Statistical Office in Poznań, which specializes in this field. The main source of STS data is the survey of economic activity, code-named DG-1, which covers over 30 thousands reporting units every month. The system of data processing in DG-1 is very complex and involves combining data from other surveys, generalizing and converting data to constant prices. Faced with the necessity to reduce the response burden and given modern advances in computer and statistical techniques, we are obliged to continue our efforts at improving the organization of surveys. One step in this process is compiling “A Map of Short- Term Statistics”, which enables us to determine how input data are processed into output information and to identify users of statistical information, distribution channels and data release deadlines. This article provides an example of how the Map can be used in the process of optimizing statistical surveys.


short-term statistics, business statistics, survey of economic activity, users of statistical information, survey optimization, data release deadlines


[1] Eurostat (2006), Methodology of short-term business statistics. Interpretation and guidelines, European Communities, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.

[2] Eurostat (2012), Short-term business statistics, http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/short term business statistics/introduction

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[5] Regulation (EC) No 1158/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1165/98 concerning short-term statistics.

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[8] Willeboordse A. (ed.), (1997), Handbook on Design and Implementation of Business Surveys, Eurostat, Luxembourg.

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