Emil Panek

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This article is part of a trend of few works of mathematical economics containing proofs of the so-called turnpike theorems in the non-stationary Neumann-Gale economies. Using the idea of the proof of theorem 5 in the article Panek (2013b) the intermediate version was proven, that stands between the “strong” and the “very strony” turnpike theorem in the non-stationary Gale economy. It states that if in the non-stationary Gale’s economy the optimal growth process in a certain period of time reaches the turnpike and the (von Neumann) prices do not change to abruptly, than irrespectively of the length of the horizon, such a process for all subsequent periods (except for perhaps the final time) can be found in the turnpike’s proximity.


non-stationary Gale economy, production set, technological and economic production efficiency, von Neumanna equilibrium, production turnpike


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