Marek Walesiak , Marek Obrębalski

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The measure of developmental success of contemporary regions and at the same time supporting factor for the durability of this success is primarily the quality of life of residents. According to the definition of the Council of Europe (A new strategy for Social Cohesion, 2004, p. 3) social cohesion is the ability of territorial communities to ensure the welfare of all its members, the reduction of social stratification and avoid polarization. According to evaluation of the social cohesion of the Lower Silesia region in cross-counties in the years 2005–2015 the variables of the following areas: income and economic activity of the population, living conditions of the population and the availability of services and public space were taken into account. To assess the measurement and the changes in the level of social cohesion of the Lower Silesia region in cross counties in the period 2005–2015 GDM1 distance and Theil measure were applied.


social cohesion, linear ordering methods, GDM1 distance, Theil measure, R program


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