Kamila Trzcińska https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4714-4074

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The aim of this paper is to analyse the income of the population of Poland using the Dagum and the Zenga distributions. The Zenga distribution, introduced in 2010, is a new distribution which has not been yet applied to analysing wages and income in Poland. The paper presents both the Dagum and Zenga distributions, as well as the results of the approximations of wage distributions drawn from the 2014 household budget survey. The calculated degree of compliance of the theoretical distribution with the empirical one demonstrates that the Zenga distribution describes the distribution of the income of the Polish population more reliably than the Dagum distribution, which so far has been regarded as one of the best.


income distribution, Dagum distribution, Zenga distribution, estimation methods


C1, C10, C13, C15


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