Emil Panek

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In the vast literature on turnpike theory it is generally assumed that the model path – called the turnpike – to which in a long time period all the optimal processes are convergent, is uniquely determined. Its geometric image in the Gale’s model (in its stationary version) is a ray in the space of all states of the economy. We call it von Neumann’s ray. In this paper we evade the assumption of the uniqueness of this turnpike (von Neumann’s ray) and study the behaviour of the stationary Gale’s economy with the compact turnpikes’ bundle. We call it multilane turnpike. We present proofs for several variants of the “weak” multilane turnpike theorem in the stationary Gales’ economy.


Gale economy, von Neumann equilibrium, strong (weak) regularity condition, multilane production turnpike, “weak” turnpike theorem


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